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Saferight Harness Type

3 Reasons It’s Crucial to Have the Correct Type of Harness for Specific Jobs

The perfect harness depends on the specific job being completed. Business owners who don’t take the time to ensure they are investing in the right products for their employees often violate work safety regulations and put their workers at risk. Because falls from heights are very common in terms of work-related injuries, companies need to provide their employees with sturdy, dependable harnesses.

In addition, pairing the right type of harness with a training course will best suit and prepare workers for emergency scenarios. Whether it’s a height, rescue, or refresher course, employees will learn how to properly operate the harness and be fully trained in rescue procedures in the case of an emergency.

1. Field of Work

The number one reason the correct harness type is crucial to have is safety. Workers want to feel and be safe when on the job, and business owners will want to ensure the safety of their employees not only for the sake of the employees but also the company’s own liability concerns. A fall harness is so important because they will prevent employees from falling off platforms or elevated stations. Considering the field of work and industry is a must to invest in the right harness types.

For instance, if employees will not be using a harness on a regular basis during their average workday, a simple harness with basic comfort features may be ideal. Understanding the different type of harnesses out in the market and what they’re used for is helpful when selecting one that is right for you.

2. The Cost of Workplace Injuries

It doesn’t make sense to make a large investment in the wrong type of harness, however, this is more common than not. Purchasing the correct kind, the first time around will save you both time and money. If a worker gets hurt due to the improper use of a harness, this will reflect badly on your company, resulting in an injured employee, which may bring costly consequences.

Selecting the correct harness can make the difference when trying to avoid injury, fatalities, fines, legal actions, among other costly disciplinary actions. There are many different harnesses available for purchase at different prices.

A few options include:

  • Basic Harnesses
  • Working at Heights Harness
  • Positioning/ Rope Access
  • Hybrid
  • Self-Rescue

3. The Importance of Harness Type

Once you’ve established the kind of work that will be performed and your budget, you want to think about these important elements before making your final decision:

  • Durability – you want your workers to have their harness for long periods of times. Harnesses that are not made from a quality, sturdy material will result in higher costs when having to purchase them on a more frequent basis. You also want to be sure it’s durable enough to handle the task it’s being utilized for.
  • Comfort – you want your employees to be comfortable not only because it will make their jobs more bearable, but it also reduces the chances for injury. High-quality safety harnesses hold maximum comfort and functionality. They are worth a try and a great investment.
  • Temperature – this may not have been the first factor that came to mind but keeping cool during hot summer months is a must! A harness that is made from the breathable material will help employees remain cool and reduce their risk of heat-related issues.

We all understand why a safety harness is important, however, the selection of one is a bit trickier. Safety managers need to provide the proper fall protection equipment in order to keep their workers safe. Ensuring employees have the right safety gear only takes a few minutes and is not something that should ever be overlooked.

If you’re unsure of the harness right for your company, give Saferight a call, and we’ll gladly walk you through the process of making a wise selection. We understand the importance safety plays in the workplace which is why we offer quality products and effective training courses.

At Saferight, we will help you, your company, and your workers stay out of harm’s way. With our wide selection of harnesses, we are sure you’ll find the one suitable for your line of work. If you have questions or would like some advice, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We are interested in learning about yourself, your business, and your needs.

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